House system


​Carmel College has five distinct 'house groups' that students become a part of for their time at the College. These houses compete against each other in competition, as well as provide a strong community for students to be involved with.

Each house group is represented by a colour, symbol and patron. Our patrons, and their contribution to social justice, aligns with the College's vision and mission.


Avila Avila1.jpg.png  

  • ​Patron: St Teresa of Avila
  • ​Colour: White
  • Symbol: Light

"Have courage for whatever comes: everything lies in that." 

​Teresa founded the order of the Discalced Carmelites, shining a light on the practice of prayer and devoting her life to becomi​ng closer to God, personally and in her interactions with others, to whom she inspired. St Teresa is now a Doctor of the Church. 

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Rout, G. (1997), Di Mauro, J. (1997) Carmel College, Thornlands​
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Carmel College, Thornlands (1997)



  • Patron: St Marcellin Champagnat
  • Colo​​ur: Gold
  • Symbol: Cross ​

"Make Jesus known and loved."

​Marcellin founded the order of the Marist Brothers who are devoted to Mary. Being dedicated to education, he motivated teenagers with his enthusiasm for teaching and spreading the gospel. Marcellin also taught them how to pray, and to be teachers and religious educators themselves. 

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Carmel College, Thornlands (1997)
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Rout, G. (1997), Di Mauro, J. (1997) Carmel College, Thornlands​

M​acKillop mackillop1.png
  • Patron: St Mary of the Cross MacK​​illop
  • Colour: Green
  • Symbol: Vine​
"Never see a need without doing something about it."
​Mary is Australia's first saint. She was a woman of faith whose life bore witness to live out the Gospel. She established schools for children, shared faith experiences and provided refuge for the homeless and destitute. Mary sowed the seeds of compassion and fought for justice.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Rout, G. (1997), Di Mauro, J. (1997) Carmel College, Thornlands
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Carmel College, Thornlands (1997)​​



  • Patron: Archbishop John Bede Polding
  • Colour: Blue
  • Symbol: Water
"Use all the gentleness and compassion for those in need."
​John was the first Archbishop of Sydney. He was a passionate man who established an Aboriginal mission on Stradbroke Island and offered retreats. John let flow the waters of compassion to the marginalised and to those who were outcasts.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Rout, G. (1997), Di Mauro, J. (1997) Carmel College, Thornlands
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Carmel College, Thornlands (1997)


Romero romero1.png

  • Patron: St Oscar Romero
  • ​Colour: Red
  • Symbol: The Word
"Aspire not to have more, but to be more."
​Oscar sought to build positive relationships between the Church and​ the government of El Salvador. He also preached the Good ​​News of the scriptures to the people. Despite his unwavering passion, he was shot and killed for preaching about the values of peace, love, justice and respect.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Rout, G. (1997), Di Mauro, J. (1997) Carmel College, Thornlands
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Carmel College, Thornlands (1997)