
At Carmel College, we embrace the complex and holistic nature of career development. We focus on the idea that career education is a process not a destination.

The role of individuals in career education is increasingly changing from that of passive recipient to that of an active participant. In recognition of this, we assist students to become managers of their own career pathway decision making.

The purpose of the Pathways program at Carmel College is to assist students in structuring their learning in Years 10, 11 and 12 around their abilities, interests and ambitions, to think about their education, training and career options after Year 12 and to set their learning goals for Years 10, 11, 12, and beyond.

At each senior year level, Year 10, Year 11, and Year 12, students are given information and opportunities to begin shaping their futures. ​

Please visit our Pathways' website for all the information you need.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Carmel College, Thornlands (2022)

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